This Christmas was so great. Parker and I spent time with family and loved every minute of it. We are so blessed with the two families we both have. Christmas Eve was great with the traditional fondue at my parents house. We always read and act out the nativity scene. The kids love being the camel and donkey. Must say they are pretty good at it:) Christmas morning we went over to my parents again for breakfast. It was good to spend a few hours on Christmas day with my family. After breakfast we headed up to Parker's parents house. We spent the rest of the day with them. We played games and ate some delicious food! Christmas was good!!
This Christmas my mom gave each of her daughters pieces of her mom's china. She also put one of those heritage maker books together about my Grandma's life. My Grandma passed away about two years before I was even born. I didn't get to spend time on earth with her but I am positive she watched over me in heaven. I remember when I was little about 4 or 5 years old looking at her picture on my parents dresser. I started to cry thinking about how I missed her. How can you miss someone you have never even met?? Well that is why I know she was my Grandma up there..
I have heard many nice things said about her from others who got to know her. Sounds like she was so giving, nice, hardworking, and a righteous woman. Now after reading her personal entries from her journal I can see all of those things being true. The night my mom gave the book to us I instantly started to look through it. I got to see where she was born, pictures of youth and many other cool things. She wrote about each one of her 6 children, and I loved learning about them. She LOVED being a mom.
I must say that the best part of my Grandma's book was her Testimony. She knew her days were limited here on earth and yet she probably didn't show it. Her courage and faith of where she was going was powerful. Her testimony has helped mine. My favorite thing she wrote about was her view on life. "Not to be envious of those who have more material goods than I. I have tried to live by the creed. Change what you can and accept the rest." I love her, and I know I will continue to learn about her until I meet her once again.
Love you Grandma Afton!!! And love you mom for thinking to share this with us!!